Sunday, 26 February 2012

The Good, The BasAss and The Ugly - William Dwyer-Joyce (DJ)

 It's that time of the week again. The time when another one of my friends faces the frightening prospect of taking part in one of the most feared fashion chronicles on the internet, or so my deluded mind tells me. 
This week we see inside the fabulous fashion mind of none other than  William Dwyer-Joyce, or as his friends call him DJ. 
What lies before you are the badly taken photographs of the encounter than faced me when I dived into the depths of his (surprisingly well organised) wardrobe. So without further ado, I give you,

The Good

Looking every bit the smart guy.
Here DJ wears a dark purple blazer from Made in Berlin a really great vintage shop we found while we were there during the summer. Definitely a recommendation for anyone who is vintage inclined while in the city.
The Urban Outfitters shirt acts as the glue with this outfit I think. It links in the yellow TopMan dockers with the blazer and the whole thing is cooled down by a pair of TopMan jeans with a little turn up. 
It's really a feat to be able to pull off yellow dockers with a purple blazer and that heavily patterned shirt but I think it works. It doesn't look over done or too complicated.
Just very suave. 
Yes suave.

Jesus, these dockers are so cute.
Fair fucks to DJ, most guys would run a mile from dockers in a bright colour like yellow.
But he didn't, and they are oh so slick.
Consider this my public appeal for all guys to be a bit more adventurous with footwear. 
Except with Nike/Adidas etc hightops... Just burn them.

Lookin' Cas.
Simple, cool and calm.
An Urban Outfitters printed Tee, H&M denim shirt and then jeans and dockers as above.

I have no idea what the slogan "Odyssey & Oracle" means when put together with an overexposed photo of a tepee, but ah sure, fuck it. It looks cool.

The BadAss

This isn't your usual "BadAss". 
It's sort of a high end BadAss.
You'd be pretty sure this BadAss probably knows about culture, films, art and all that other stuff.
But a BadAss none the less.
Nice coats are a thing I find that a lot of guys have trouble with. Jackets are easier to get right, granted. A nice velvet or tweed is pretty self explanatory. Or even a suede bomber can just be grabbed from a rack and thrown on (although I do really like all of those three aforementioned jackets, don't get me wrong).
But this is just a really classic black crombie from Zara Man. 
It's important to get your lenghts right when you buy men's jackets. It all depends on height. If you're smaller and you go for a long jacket it'll just make you look SO much shorter. You should probably go for a car coat instead of a crombie in that case...
Also,  on a side note, Zara is a high street shop that I think is really having a bit of a moment right now. Nice cuts, very grown up.
AND it looks just a bit classier than TopShop.
But I digress...

This jumper is Urban Outfitters.
Described to me as "my Bill Crosby jumper" by DJ, it lived up to expectations.
It's a really thick knit, which you can sort of make out in the picture.
And it's just pretty cute all said.
Did I say cute? I meant BadAss.

Finally to finish the outfit off, a pair of black Dr. Martins.
Dr. Martin's for me are the perfect example of the reason why you should NEVER say you dislike something in fashion.
Between the ages of 12 and 16 my Mum begged me to buy a pair and I point blank refused. I cried "But, they're soooo ugly and butch!"
And look at me know, the proud owner and wearer of a pair of Ox-Blood Docs, and putting men's black one's in pride of place on my BadAss list.
We all make mistakes.

The Ugly

Let the LOL's begin.

They see me Rollin'
They Hatin'

Rocking a zip up Nike water-proof tracksuit top and a purple PLO from DJ's less fashion conscious days.
Also, you can't see it, but the T-Shirt says "SATISFACTION" on it in a sort of font that looks like fire. GAS.
Although I will hold my hands up and admit that at one point, I too rocked a PLO. 
I know it's hard to believe. 
I try not to think about it.
I will also admit, that after these photos were taken, a few of us went into town one night for some fun and frolics and DJ did wear this Nike zip up. Although he did not wear those jeans, which are in fact a crime against fashion.

Sexy Boy.
Let me explain why these jeans are so gas. 
Basically, they don't fit DJ and as a result, the crotch is actually down at his knees.
This is no exaggeration.
We have witnesses.
His actual knees.
Isn't he a picture?
So cheeky.

And that is it for this installment of The Good, The BadAss and The Ugly.
I would like to thank DJ being such a good sport and letting me into his wardrobe to rummage and do as much damage as I wanted. Such a pal.

Consider this a warning to the rest of you,
The Good, The BadAss and The Ugly could be coming to a wardrobe near you.
Start culling your ugly garments and start buying beautiful clothes.
You'll look sooo much cooler on the internet.

Untill Next Time,

Thursday, 16 February 2012

The Good, The BadAss and The Ugly - Alison O'Shea

Round Up, Round Up!
LocalLightPollution has a new feature called The Good, The BadAss and The Ugly.
Yes, you've heard whispers of it I'm sure, a creation so frightening that it has all of my nearest and dearest running terrified to the hills. But, there are a brave few, worthy of the tales of knighthood themselves, who have given me FULL ACCESS to their wardrobes and allowed me photograph them in an assortment of Delicious delights and horrific horrors. 
The format is pretty easy to understand. Basically I just go to my mates houses, usually drink a few cups of tea and have a cheeky cigarette and then I go to their wardobes and pick out outfits from what I see, some Good, some BadAss and one Ugly. I then make them wear whatever I pick out while I photograph it (poorly, never said I was a photographer) and post it on the internet for anyone who wants to to see. 
It is basically like a fashion Freak Show. So should be a bit of craic.

First up, is lovely Alison O'Shea (who you may or may not remember from the last photoshoot). 

The Good

Isn't she just adorable? 
The pinky-orange in the stripes on this slouch shirt work perfectly with her pale skin tone and statement hair colour. And with pins like those her white Levi cutoffs are looking pretty damn sweet. 
Definitely a good un'. 

Close up of her peach platforms. 
Like the cutie little sister of the creeper family. 

A 1950's day dress with a floral pattern like this is almost too cute for words. You can't tell from the photo but the material is a sort of terry cloth which is such a nice unusual touch for a dress like this.
The dress was actually bought in the shop I work in about a year ago, The Harlequin. Most of my clothes and pretty much all of the stuff from the last shoot was gotten there. Best vintage shop in Dublin, just sayin'. (PLUG, PLUG, PLUG)

The BadAss

Jesus, who is that BadAss?
Oh, it's Ali.
The outfit here is pretty simple, it's only three things.
1. Black Skinny Jeans
2. Zara, shaggy fur coat
3. Leopard print creepers.
Baiscally, it's like three easy steps for how to be a badass.

This is a close up of the Creepers.
She ordered them online from China for 6Euro, the shipping cost about 8 times that but whatever.
They pretty much badass-ify any outfit she wears, she wears them pretty much constantly and who can blame her. Slick.

This outfit is one that I put together with stuff I found in her wardrobe, the stuff she doesn't wear really.
It's an oversized denim sleevless dress (totally unfitted, basically a tent in denim) and a three layer studded belt from Ali's emo days. 
Put them together, throw in the key creepers and some opaque black tights and you've got a badass over here.
I just love this outfit, the collar on the dress with the sleeveless look seems almost rock-a-billy to me.
Pretty kool if I do say so myself.

The Ugly

Does this really need an explanation?
I found this little gem lurking in the bottom of a bag, under some other shit, in a wardrobe.
But what a find it was.
The pattern.
The man made fabric.
The obnoxiously large shoulder pads.
If you can believe it, it looked even worse on.
Rock that Ali, Rock that.

The Scene of the Crime

A wardrobe, the depths of which I had to plunge to find these treasures. 
Just a bit of back stage glamour for you lovely lot!

Next time on The Good, The BadAss and The Ugly it's Mr William Dwyer-Joyce.

Stay Classy lads and ladies

Until Next Time
Big Kisses and Hugs